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I headed down the winding road taking in the view of the rolling hills all green from the latest rain and looking fresh and smooth, the view reminds me of times gone by when I would roll down hills, just like it when I was little.
In the distance, little dapples of brown are scattered over the hills, where the trees have made there homes along the ridges of the smooth rolling hills, the sun filtered its rays through the glass in the windscreen and is warm on my face.
I can see the vines in the distance, all in formation making there way along the the side of the hill, they soak in the sunshine to help produce the little buds of juice, which I'm looking forward to sampling once they have completed their long fermenting process, where they give all they have to give.
The liquid contained in a squeaky clean glass leaves residue as you swirl it around and around, taking a sip of the lovely fragranced syrup, my taste buds start tingling with pleasure, the fluid covers the inside of my mouth and the sweet aroma fills my nostrils with the sweet fruity scent.
As I sit and enjoy this moment, I realise this is why I felt like going on a winery tour.